Friday, May 15, 2009

Star Trek Cardboard Cutouts

Wow, these Star Trek cardboard cutouts from the new movie are perfect for gifts for your Star Trek fan, or include them as decorations at your Star Trek party. These standups are on heavy duty cardboard and come folded, easy to assemble. They are great for mounting to a wall or door, or can be displayed free standing with the easel included. So, find Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura and Sulu - great fun to browse these Star Trek cardboard cutouts.


movie star cutouts said...

That's a fine blog. I think People are looking for authenticity when it comes to autographs and other celebrity collectibles and memorabilia.

cardboard movie cutouts said...

Great blog i like it
Fortunately many party stores also carry "Hollywood" themed decorations. But if not, simply type in 'Hollywood Party Decorations' in your search bar and you will have more choices than imaginable.